Pictures provided by Cliff Reid, Sr. |
If you haven't witnessed it yourself, you can never understand when we say, "There's something about this team." The field is electrified. The air comes alive with the whisper of victory. There is just something. You can feel it.
Stronger than ever. Bonded through one dream. This team is ready. Ready for the battle that is before them. They have shed the old to make ways for the new age of Bronco Football. The boys of purple and gold are ready for the fight against the naysayers and those who says this team can't handle 5A ball.
In these last few days, we have seen just a taste of what this mighty stampede can do. With a defensive line who hungers for turnovers and an offensive line with size and strength, these Broncos can not be held back any longer. The corral can longer manage the stampede that has begun.
Welcome to the new age... Welcome to Bronco Country!